Friday, November 20, 2009

How do I love thee, Super Furry Animals?

Let me count the ways:

1. They're Welsh, and have a cool flag!

2. Stylistic variation between songs!




3. Artistic growth over many albums!

allmusic overview

4. Obscure origins!

Early years as Welsh-only band

5. Side projects!

The Peth (featuring SFA drummer Dafydd Ieuan and bassist Guto Pryce)

Neon Neon (featuring SFA singer Gruff Rhys)

Acid Casuals (featuring SFA keyboardist Cian Ciaran)

6. Furry costumes!

7. Intriguing singer with a gentle soul, a fantastic Welsh accent and smooth voice!

8. Cool album art!

9. Concert silliness!

10. Non-English-language double albums! (Myng is my second favorite SFA album, after Rings Around The World.)

11. Most importantly, so many great tunes!

And this gem, which features an oh-so-subtle sample from Steely Dan's "Show Biz Kids."

Stay furry!

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